The Do's and Don'ts of Using Panty Liners: Tips for a Comfortable and Hygienic Experience 


It is safe to say that most women know what a menstrual pad is. Then there is; the panty liner – which is not as well-known and/or used. The panty liner is a thinner and smaller version of a menstrual pad that adheres to the inside of your underwear. The key difference here is that panty liners are primarily designed to provide protection against everyday vaginal discharge. Using panty liners is great for absorbing light leakages, making them a convenient option for preventing stains on your underwear and maintaining vaginal hygiene. Now that you know the what and-how of panty liners, here are some handy tips to ensure a comfortable and hygienic experience when using them.



Washing Your Hands

Since bacteria can potentially be present on your hands, it’s important to prevent their transfer to the panty liner, which could result in vaginal infections. To reduce this risk, ensure that your hands are washed with mild soap and properly dried before putting on a panty liner. Another way to further reduce the risk of infections here, is to change your panty liners regularly.

Change Them Regularly

Ideally, panty liners should be changed every 3-5 hours or whenever they feel excessively moist or damp. Allowing moisture to accumulate can increase the risk of yeast infections, so it is important to promptly change a moist panty liner, especially on hot and humid days. If you are busy and on the go, remember to bring along spare panty liners to change into so you can stay feeling clean and comfortable through your day. Additionally, you should also keep in mind the type of panty liner you use.

Stick With Natural Ingredients

Often, panty liners available on the market are commonly made of materials that can disrupt the body’s endocrine system. Such materials pose a risk of causing rashes and infections, which can negatively affect your overall vaginal health. For added safety, it is advisable to opt for panty liners made with natural and organic ingredients that will leave you feeling more comfortable and without irritation. By doing so, you not only prioritise your personal hygiene but also reduce the likelihood of contracting vaginal infections.



Wearing Panty Liners Before Bed

It is advisable to refrain from using panty liners before going to bed to allow your skin to breathe properly. As mentioned earlier, extended use of panty liners raises the risk of yeast infections. Therefore, we suggest removing the panty liner before sleeping and replacing it with a fresh one in the morning. However, a fresh panty liner does not mean one that is scented, as the next tip will point out.

Scented Panty Liners

Fragrances used in scented panty liners often contain chemicals and compounds that can potentially cause irritation and discomfort to your sensitive intimate area. With frequent use, these irritations can lead to rashes, or in more severe cases, infections. As such, it is recommended to opt for organic and unscented panty liners as a safer choice to prevent such skin complications to your vagina.

Panty liners are among the most useful feminine products available, supporting women in maintaining their overall vaginal hygiene. While using panty liners is typically straightforward and hassle-free, complications may possibly arise if they are not utilised correctly. Hence, one should stay informed and educated on the recommended practices for wearing panty liners to ensure the well-being of your vaginal health. Take time to learn about these tips and more, so you can wear panty liners with confidence and have no worries about any potential complications.

To provide extra care to your V-health, get the Lactacyd® Feminine Wash™.

  1. Are Panty Liners Safe for Everyday Use? Which Panty Liners Are Actually Safe to Use?
  2. Panty Liners – Difference Between Panty Liners and Pads
  3. All You Need to Know About Panty Liners
  4. Wearing Panty Liners : Are Panty Liners Healthy, Safe and Normal for Daily Use?
  5. What Are Panty Liners for? Are They Good for You?